{var getRegular = function() {
return 10;
}return getRegular();
JavaScript & TypeScript examples in OJS
Since all of these code examples are run in Observable JS, they are contained in outer {} and the return object is what gets printed to the screen, rather than using console.log
. In some cases I leave in the console.log
, but usually I try to get rid of it.
JavaScript Introduction
Regular function
Arrow function with no parameters
{const getArrow = () => 10;
return getArrow();
Arrow function with one parameter
{const getArrow = m => 10*m;
return getArrow(2);
Arrow function with multiple parameters
{const getArrow = (m, bonus) => 10*m + bonus;
return getArrow(2, 20);
Test for equality and inequality
{let a = 4;
var b = 5;
return [a == b, a < b, a > b, a !== b];
keyword with regular function out of scope inside setTimeout
and need to re-assign to self
{let output;
var employee = {
id: 1,
greet: function(){
var self = this;
setTimeout(function(){ console.log(self.id) }, 1000);
return self.id;
}return employee.greet();
keyword with arrow function does not go out of scope inside setTimeout
so we don’t need to re-assign to self
{let output;
var employee = {
id: 1,
greet: function(){
setTimeout(() => { console.log(this.id) }, 1000);
return this.id;
}return employee.greet();
rest operator (… in function parameter)
{let displayColors = function(msg, ...colors){
for(let i in colors){
}return colors[0];
let msg1 = "List of colors";
return displayColors(msg1, 'Red', 'Blue', 'Green');
spread operator (… in function call)
{let displayColors = function(msg, ...colors){
for(let i in colors){
}return colors[0];
let msg2 = "List of colors";
let colorArray = ['Orange','Yellow','Indigo'];
return displayColors(msg2, ...colorArray);
A const object cannot be re-assigned, but you can change its property.
{const obj1 = {
}.name = "Todd"
obj1return obj1.name;
In shorthand notation in properties and function assignment.
{let firstname = "Chandler";
let lastname = "Bings";
let person = {
function createPerson(firstname, lastname, age){
let fullname = firstname + " " + lastname;
return {firstname,
return age>60;
let p = createPerson("Ross", "Geller", 32);
return p
You can use spaces in property names and use variables, but you have to use square brackets [ ].
{let ln = "last name";
let person = {
"first name": "Chandler",
: "Bing"
}return person
Destructruing arrays can be used to break them apart
{let employee = ["Chandler", "Bing"," Male"];
let [, , gender] = employee;
return gender
Destructruing arrays using the rest operator
{let employee = ["Chandler", "Bing"," Male"];
let [fname, ...elements] = employee;
return elements
Destructruing arrays using the rest operator
{let employee = ["Chandler", "Bing"];
let [fname, lastname, gender = "Female"] = employee;
return gender
Destructruing objects with aliases
{let employee = {
fname: "Chandler",
lname: "Bing",
gender: "Male"
let {fname: f, lastname: l, gender: g} = employee;
return g
Using string templates to use variables inside a string
{let employee = {
fname: "Chandler",
lname: "Bing",
gender: "Male"
let greet = `Welcome ${employee.fname} to 'single' "double" ES2015
This is the second line
Third and so on`;
return greet
Using for of loop with array or string
{let colors = ['Red','Blue','Green'];
for(let color of colors){
} }
Classes (are not hoisted)
{class Person{
}let p = new Person();
return p.greet === Person.prototype.greet;
Class body and methods
{class Person{
this.name = name;
}static staticMethod(){
console.log("Static Mehod");
console.log("Hello " + this.name);
let p = new Person("Chandler");
return p;
Classs ineritance: The child class need to use keyword super
to access to methods deployed in the parent class.
{class Person{
<!-- this.name = name; -->
console.log(name + "Person constructor");
return 10;
class Employee extends Person{
console.log(name + "Employee constructor");
return super.getID();
let e = new Employee("Chandler");
return e.getID();
Sets are unique and maps are not. In maps, objects are strings, so if we want to access myMap[100], we have to use myMap[“100”].
{let mySet = Object.create(null);
.id = true;
console.log("id exists");
let myMap = Object.create(null);
.name = "Chandler";
100] = 'Hello';
return myMap["100"];
We can access myMap using obj2 even though it was not set because the representation of obj2 matches that of obj1.
{let obj1 = {};
let obj2 = {};
let myMap = Object.create(null);
= 'World';
return myMap[obj2];
You can use add
, delete
, has
, and size
with sets. Sets are unique, so duplicates are ignored.
{let mySet = new Set();
let obj1 = {};
let obj2 = {};
return [mySet.size, mySet.has(2)];
Map is similar, but use set
instead of add
. There is also WeakMap
where the keys can only be objects.
{let myMap = new Map();
myMap.set("age", 30);
let obj1 = {};
let obj2 = {};
.set(obj1, 10);
myMap.set(obj2, 20);
// myMap.clear(); // removes everything in the map
return [myMap.get(obj1), myMap.has("fname"), myMap.size];
Example of using both keys and values in a Map.
{let myMap = new Map([
"fname", "Chandler"],
["lname", "Bing"]
let out1;
for(let [key, value] of myMap.entries()){
= `${key} -> ${value}`;
let out2;
for(let value of myMap.values()){
= value;
let out3
for(let key of myMap.keys()){
= key;
return [out1, out2, out3];
can only be used with arrays, maps, and sets.
{let out1;
let out2;
let out3;
var numbers = [2,4,6,8]
numbersfunction arrayFunction(element, index, array){
= "arr[" + index + "] = " + element;
let myMap = new Map([
"fname", "Chandler"],
["lname", "Bing"]
myMapfunction mapFunction(value, key, callingMap){
= key + " = " + value;
out2 console.log(myMap === callingMap);
let mySet = new Set([1,2,3]);
mySetfunction setFunction(value, key, callingSet){
= key + " = " + value;
out3 console.log(mySet === callingSet);
return [out1, out2, out3];
Symbols create a unique id, but we can’t see what the id is. Even though s2 and s3 have the same name, the id is different.
{let s = Symbol("First Symbol");
let s2 = Symbol("Test");
let s3 = Symbol("Test");
return [typeof s, s.toString(), s2===s3];
We can register the name using Symbols.for and then the ids will be the same.
{let s4 = Symbol.for('RegSymbol');
let s5 = Symbol.for('RegSymbol');
return [s4===s5, Symbol.keyFor(s4)];
Symbols create a unique id, but we can’t see what the id is.
{let fname = Symbol("FirstName");
let person = {
: "Chandler"
return [Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(person)];
–> iterator method –> symbol.iterator can only be used with strings and arrays, because they are functions.
{let str = "Hello";
let arr=[1,2,3];
let num=5;
let obj = {name:"Chandler"};
return ["For string - " + typeof str[Symbol.iterator],
"For array - " + typeof arr[Symbol.iterator],
"For number - " + typeof num[Symbol.iterator],
"For object - " + typeof obj[Symbol.iterator]];
Here is how an iterator works:
Iterable { symbol.Iterator : Iterator }
Iterator{ next() : IResultObj }
IResultObj{ value: any done: bool }
As an example, let’s create our own iterator.
{let iterable = [1,2,3];
function createIterator(array){
let count = 0;
next: function(){
return count < array.length?
value: array[count++], done:false}:
{value: undefined, done:true};
let myIterator = createIterator(iterable);
return [myIterator.next(),
myIterator }
doesn’t work with objects, so we have to build our own iterator using the example above.
{let person = {
fname: "Chandler",
lname: "Bing"
// for (let p of person) {} // doesn't work, yields type error
Symbol.iterator] = function(){
person[let properties = Object.keys(person);
let count = 0;
let isDone = false;
let next = () => {
if(count >= properties.length){
= true;
} return{done: isDone, value: this[properties[count++]]};
}return {next};
return [person[Symbol.iterator]];
Generators allow pausing of functions using yield
and then resuming.
function *createGenerator(){
yield 1;
console.log("After 1st yield");
yield 2;
let myGen = createGenerator();
return [myGen.next(), myGen.next(), myGen.next()];
We can use a generator to simplfy the object iterator coded above.
{let person = {
fname: "Chandler",
lname: "Bing"
Symbol.iterator] = function*(){
person[let properties = Object.keys(person);
for(let t of properties){
yield this[t];
let out;
for (let p of person){
= p;
return out;
JavaScript Quiz Time
How long does this code take to run? 10 seconds, or immediately?
{const start = Date.now();
let modal = document.querySelector('#result');
setTimeout(function () {
modal, 10_000);
}const end = Date.now();
return[start, end];
What is returned by these statements?
{let cat = Object.create({ type: 'lion' });
.size = 'large';
let copyCat = { ...cat };
.type = 'tiger';
return [copyCat.type, copyCat.size];
What value does this statement return?
{let animals = [{ type: 'lion' }, 'tiger'];
let clones = animals.slice();
0].type = 'bear';
clones[1] = 'sheep';
return [animals[0].type, clones[0].type, animals[1], clones[1]];
What does this function return?
{let cat = { type: "tiger", size: "large" };
let json = JSON.stringify(cat, ["type"]);
return json;
What is the output of { first: 20, second: 30, first: 50 }
{const obj1 = { first: 20, second: 30, first: 50 };
return obj1;
What is the type of NaN?
{return print(typeof NaN);;
What is the output of 5 + “9”?
{return 5 + "9";
What is the total of this function call?
{function sum(num1, num2 = 2, num3 = 3) {
return num1 + num2 + num3;
}let values = [1, 5];
let total = sum(4, ...values);
return total;
Which statement(s) are true
{return [Boolean(NaN), Boolean(0), Boolean("false"), Boolean("")];
Accessing variable properties: What is the output of bob.precip
{var Storm = function () {};
.prototype.precip = 'rain';
Stormvar WinterStorm = function () {};
.prototype = new Storm();
WinterStorm.prototype.precip = 'snow';
WinterStormvar bob = new WinterStorm();
Print 1, 2, 3, 4 to the console.
{let out = []
for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
function (j) {
(setTimeout(function () {
out, j * 1000);
}return out;
What is the reult of this function call?
{var compare = function (test1, test2) {
return test1==test2;
return compare(1078, '1078');
More equality tests to consider
{let a = 1078;
let b = '1078';
return [a == b, a === b, a != b, a !== b]
Check if the word “pot” is in the word “potato”?
{return "potato".includes("pot");
What does this function return?
{let bear = {
sound: 'roar',
roar() {
.sound = 'grunt';
bearlet bearSound = bear.roar;
return bearSound();
What does this function return?
{var cat = { name: 'Athena' };
function swap(feline) {
.name = 'Wild';
feline= { name: 'Tabby' };
return cat.name;
What does this function return?
{let out = [];
var thing;
let func = (str = 'no arg') => {
return out;
What does this function return?
{const myFunc = () => {
const a = 2;
return () => console.log('a is ' + a);
}const a = 1;
const test = myFunc();
return test();
Which flag does this statement return?
{var flagsJSON =
'{ "countries" : [' +
'{ "country":"Ireland" , "flag":"🇮🇪" },' +
'{ "country":"Serbia" , "flag":"🇷🇸" },' +
'{ "country":"Peru" , "flag":"🇵🇪" } ]}';
var flagDatabase = JSON.parse(flagsJSON);
return flagDatabase.countries[0].flag;
How to condition on two variables
{let conservation = true;
let deforestation = false;
let acresOfRainForest = 100;
if (conservation && !deforestation) {
}return acresOfRainForest;
What does this function return?
{'use strict';
function logThis() {
this.desc = 'logger';
return new logThis();
What does the following expression evaluate to?
{return [] == [];
In OJS this returns undefined
, but in JavaScript it returns 1
{var v = 1;
var f1 = function () {
return v;
var f2 = function () {
var v = 2;
return f2();
What will the value of y be in this code:
{const x = 6 % 2;
const y = x ? 'One' : 'Two';
return y;
What does this function return?
{let answer = true;
if (answer === false) {
return 0;
else {
} return 10;
} }
What does this function return?
{function sayHello() {
return sayHello.prototype;
This code works in OJS, but in JavaScript you would get TypeError: diff is not a function
{function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
let diff = function (x, y) {
return x - y;
return [sum(10, 20), diff(10, 20)];
What happens when you run this code?
{var a = ['dog', 'cat', 'hen'];
100] = 'fox';
return a.length;
What does this function return?
{function logThis() {
return this;
return logThis();
What does this function return?
{const foo = [1, 2, 3];
const [n] = foo;
return n;
What does this function return?
{let rainForests = ['Amazon', 'Borneo', 'Cerrado', 'Congo'];
.splice(0, 2);
return rainForests;
What does this function return?
{const obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3,
const obj2 = {
a: 0,
return [obj2.a, obj2.b];
What does this function return?
{let animals = ['jaguar', 'eagle'];
return [animals.pop(), animals.reverse(), animals.shift(), animals.pop()];
What does this function return?
{const animals = ['Rabbit', 'Dog', 'Cat'];
return animals;
What does this function return?
{const arr1 = [2, 4, 6];
const arr2 = [3, 5, 7];
return [...arr1, ...arr2];
What does this function return?
{const myNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
const myFunction = (arr) => {
return arr.map((x) => x + 3).filter((x) => x < 7);
return myFunction(myNumbers);
What does this function return?
{let rainForestAcres = 10;
let animals = 0;
while (rainForestAcres < 13 || animals <= 2) {
rainForestAcres+= 2;
return animals;
What does this function return?
{let cipherText = [...'YZOGUT QGMORTZ MTRHTILS'];
let plainText = '';
for (let [index, value] of cipherText.entries()) {
+= index % 2 === 0 ? value : '';
return plainText;
What does this function return?
{var pokedex = ['Snorlax', 'Jigglypuff', 'Charmander', 'Squirtle'];
return pokedex.pop();
Which value is not falsey?
{return [[] == false, undefined == false, 0 == false, null == false];
What does this function return?
{const person = { name: 'Dave', age: 40, hairColor: 'blue' };
const result = Object.keys(person).map((x) => x.toUpperCase());
return result;
What does this function return?
{let animals = ["eagle", "osprey", "salmon"];
let key = animal => animal === "salmon";
if (animals.some(key)) {
return "swim";
} }
Given this code, which statement(s) will evaluate to false?
{const a = { x: 1 };
const b = { x: 1 };
return [a['x'] === b['x'], a != b, a === b, a.x === b.x];
What does this function return?
{return [typeof 41.1, typeof 41.0, typeof 41, typeof "41"];
What does this function return?
{let scores = [];
.push(1, 2);
scores.push(3, 4);
scoreslet score = scores.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
return score;
The rest of the examples are TypeScript features, which will not work in OJS, but hopefully you get the point by looking at the code examples.
{// type inference
var x = 10;
var y = "hi";
var z = true;
// explicit stating of type in TypeScript
// var a: number = 10;
// var b: string;
return [typeof x, typeof y, typeof z];
The following codes runs just fine in JS, but would not run in TS because n1 is of type number so it cannot be set to type string.
{var n1 = 10;
= "Hi";
return n1;
Even in TS, the following works because concatenating a number and a string produces a number, so n2 is a string and TS is fine with that..
{var n1 = 10;
var n2 = n1 + "Hello";
return [n2, typeof n2];
TS has a new variable type called any
which doesn’t have any type checking.
var info: any;
info = 10;
info = "Hello";
info = true;
provides a user-friendly value for variables.
enum EyeColor {Brown=1, Black=5, Blue=10};
var myEyeColor = EyeColor.Brown;
return myEyeColor;
Arrays in TS work the same as in JS. tuples
allow you to limit the types that can be stored.
let strArr1: string[] = ['Hello','World'];
let strArr2: Array<string> = ['Hello','World'];
let anyArr: any[] = ['Hello', 10, true];
let myTuple: [string, number] = ["Hi", 10];
myTuple[2] = 100;
Class constructors in TS
// in JavaScript
class Person{
public fname: string;
public lname: string;
constructor(fname: string, public lname: string){
this.fname = fname;
this.lname = lname;
// in TypeScript
class Person1{
constructor(public fname: string, public lname: string){}
Interfaces are the most flexible way to describing types in TS. Use ?
to make a property optional.
interface Person{
fname: string;
lname: string;
age?: number;
let employee1: Person = {
let emplyee2: Person = {
Decorators are experimental in TS and may change in the future. Decorators begin with the @
selector: 'my-app',
template: <h1>Parity Technologies</h1>
export class AppComponent {